💬Boss Call
13 thg 2, 2025"I don't want to do my job because it's hard and boring".Too many developers think they're the protagonist from Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" music video instead of employees paid to do a job for an employer.
"I don't want to do my job because it's hard and boring".Too many developers think they're the protagonist from Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" music video instead of employees paid to do a job for an employer.
Long hours of sitting in front of a computer, coding all day long and sometime all night long, dealing with bugs and deadlines. Being a software engineer is definitely not a very healthy profession.
Sử dụng các lời nhắc này, bạn có thể khai thác các nguyên lý và quy luật nổi tiếng để học bất cứ chủ đề nào một cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả.
🏕️Đối với những bạn đam mê núi rừng thì chắc chắn sẽ mong muốn ít nhất một lần trong đời được cắm trại ở những địa điểm không có tính hiệu điện thoại và internet. Dưới đây là 33 địa điểm cắm trại trải dài từ Bắc vào Nam mà bạn nhất định phải ghé trước năm 30 tuổi nè, cùng mình tham khảo nhen.
Thất bại thường đi cùng những hành vi khiến chúng ta càng trở nên ăn hại hơn bao giờ hết, đây là 1 số đáng chú ý trong vô vàn những điều khiến bản thân chuyển hoá thành kẻ thất bại.
When we begin a project, we tend to focus on things like scalability, usability, availability, security, and others. But, as the application grows, we may observe a decline in its speed and performance. It is often only at this point that we recognize the need for optimization.
Xưa nay trong doanh nghiệp, cái tầm nhìn, cái sứ mệnh, người ta cứ mặc nhiên coi là vấn đề của sếp, của công ty. Thế nên mới có cụm từ “đi xin việc”, thay vì “đi chọn việc” và đỉnh cao hơn là đi tìm minh chủ, tìm Sếp.
Web browsers use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to manage requests made to a different domain than the one serving the web page. It's a security mechanism to mitigate the risks of cross-site request forgery and other cross-site attacks.
What do they know that you don't? I've held two talks so far about Modular monoliths. Modular monoliths combine the qualities of monolithic and microservices architectures. It's like they take the best of both worlds. Let's dig a bit deeper.
DDD is a software development approach that focuses on aligning complex software designs with business needs. It advocates for a deep connection between the implementation and the core business concepts. This alignment is achieved through several key concepts that guide the design and development process.
Implementing a full production-ready Logger System for NestJS Microservices or Monolithic Apps in a Clean Architecture.
To better undestand the issue, we will use a simple example. Imagine we are building an application that buys stock shares for different companies. Different users can buy a number of shares as long as the company has that remaining number of shares available.
A NO-BS conclusion to set apart from 99% of average programmers.
Clean code is code that’s easy to read, maintain, and understand.
If you are trying to squeeze every nanosecond from a battery of GPUs, then clean code may not be for you; at least in the most taxing of your deepest inner loops. On the other hand, if you are trying to squeeze every man-hour of productivity from a software development team, then clean code can be an effective strategy towards that end.
Software developers battle productivity hurdles more often than other professionals. These barriers to developer productivity often spiral into low developer confidence, less time to code and groom, and even higher instances of burnout. It also impacts their creativity, and zeal to build.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” –
It is a dangerously unregulated field, as a few lines of bad code could literally cause a loss of life, depending on the circumstances.
PHP is one of the most popular programming languages for web development, powering millions of websites around the world. However, as your PHP application grows in size and complexity, you may encounter some challenges in handling high traffic and ensuring optimal performance